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Taking care of the future

If you have an accident or became seriously ill and are unable to look after your affairs, who would look after them for you? There is a misconception that your spouse or adult child automatically has the right to look after your affairs. If you lose your mental capacity then your loved ones cannot automatically look after your affairs. Making a Lasting Power of Attorney ensures that you retain control of who makes decisions on your behalf in circumstances when you are unable to make decisions for yourself.

There are two different types of Lasting Power of Attorney documents:

1. Property and Finances

This will enable the person you appoint (your attorney) to manage your property and financial affairs in the event that you are not able to do so yourself. This can include if you are not mentally able to make a decision and if you are mentally able to make a decision but just need some help in carrying that decision out.

2. Health and Welfare

This will enable the person you appoint to make decisions only in the event that you are not mentally able to make decisions for yourself. This document can be used to make decisions in relation to where you are to live, medical treatment and also, life-sustaining treatment.

It is recommended that both documents are put in place.


CHECK OUT OUR Powers of Attorney FAQS BELOW.

Why do I need a Power of Attorney?

If you do not have a Power of Attorney in place, and you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself, then there is no one with legal authority to make decisions for you. If you no longer have mental capacity your bank accounts will likely be frozen and your loved ones will not be able to access your finances. Any decisions regarding your health will be made by social services and doctors.

How many people can I appoint as my Attorney?

You can appoint as many people as you wish, however, it is recommended that you do not appoint any more than 4. You can appoint a professional or a trust corporation. It is very important that the person you have appointed is someone you trust absolutely.

Do I need a solicitor?

Power of Attorney Solicitor Liverpool: No, but it is recommended that you instruct a solicitor to prepare the Lasting Power of Attorney documents. There are various sections in the documents that come with a recommendation to seek legal advice.

The Lasting Power of Attorney documents are legal deeds and advice should always be sought before you enter into a legal document.

How much will it cost?

If you wish to put one Lasting Power of Attorney document in place, our fee is £420.00 inclusive of VAT. If you wish to put both Lasting Power of Attorney documents in place, our fee is £660.00 inclusive of VAT.

We also have a special offer for couples who both wish to make both Lasting Power of Attorney documents. Our fee for couples wishing to go ahead with both documents is £1200 inclusive of VAT.

There is also a registration fee of £82.00 per document that must be paid to the Office of the Public Guardian. If you are in receipt of certain benefits, the registration fee can be reduced or waived. We can confirm this with you at our initial meeting.